Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"The Intensity of love"

It was a dark stormy night, when Curly's wife walked into the barn, all wet, but yet trying to look as fresh as daisy. George was in the stable winding up his work. The moment he sees Curly's wife and Curly's wife sees him. Their eyes get locked. They look at each other with so much intensity that George unexpectedly blurts out, "Your hot as hell!". On hearing this Curly's wife gets frozen. George feels  a little bit embarrassed and tries to beat around the bush by changing the topic. On the other hand, Curly's wife's feeling starts to come out too. She Starts to feel like a fish out of water. She tries to breathe and gather her senses back but it wont work. Her looks gets weary and this does not escapes from George's sight. George senses that there is something fishy and she is troublesome. He says, "Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow." Curly's wife is not able to continue to control her emotions form her true love anymore and tears start to come to her eyes. She says " I can't handle with Curly anymore.Our relationship is as cold as ice and it would be better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.". George is not able to hold his horses and grabs her into his arms. On realizing how madly in love they are with each other, they both get tickled pink. They both blossom into each other's arms. George assures her that timing is everything and he will make everything alright. Curly's wife admits that curly is not her cup of tea and George is exactly what she needs.She also admits that she feels terrible ditching Curly's this way and starts to weep. But George comfort's her and tells her that love is blind and she was doing nothing wrong, besides there would be no use of crying over the spilt milk. She can't undo what's been done done.He promises her that from now on, on this God's green earth, he wouldn't let anybody hurt her feelings.As she is, as delicate as a flower, he will take care of her and love her for the rest of his life. Finally, as happy as lark's, they both run away.

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